3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!

Big changes are in the works here. As some of you may know, I’ve been home with my kids for almost 6 years at this point (yes, one is 5; I started staying home while I was pregnant.) Almost from the beginning I’ve wanted to work again. There are Major Issues back there and I won’t go into it. Because I’ve put together a cunning plan! Go on, put a tail on it and call it a weasel. As much as I would like to Go Back to Work properly, with the kids being so little and DH so very unavailable for emergency baby duty, it’s just not feasible. So we are looking at expanding my online shop, Southern Mystic, tenfold! No really, I’m serious, x10. Dyeing and spinning is something that I enjoy, it’s creative, it’s acceptably profitable, and I can do it while home with the kids. The living room might be a chaotic center of hell, but that’s ok, I won’t be in the living room. I’ll be in the kitchen. Hiding, and coloring yarn/fiber.

It’s true that no one gets rich doing this. But you know what they say – if it was easy, everyone would do it. And since I won’t be paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars every month for childcare, it’s actually quite a bit more lucrative than it might seem on the surface. Plus, there’s no commute, no additional wardrobe, no meals out … the little things can add up. Now, there’s always the issue of sales, but I’m actually not too worried about that. I think I have a pretty good bead on the marketing segment of this sort of business, and once I have inventory, I am confident I’ll start to see some interest.

Some people are to blame – I mean, be credited with helping me get this far, because it’s not easy to form a business plan, make contacts, develop policies, get licenses for wholesale, etc. Ady from Knittink is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I try to be the same for her. She’s just awesome, she’s helped so much. Plus, COMIC BOOK YARN! How can I resist?! Val from <a href="http://www.woolywoolofthewest.etsy.com"Wooly Wool of the West is a wonderful lady who’s been very supportive, and a lot of her wool is in my products! Dale from Light Brown Hare is fantastic, an inspiration and a great source of information. Stephanie from WC Mercantile is a great fiber friend and supplier, and of course Jessie from Phat Fiber, who I truly believe is the fairy godmother of the fiber world! So a big thank you to all those awesome folks. See you online!